About me

My name is

Szymon Manduk

I am a machine learning engineer and AI consultant with a managerial background.

My professional mission is to “Translate AI breakthroughs into practical solutions that drive innovation and growth.

With over two decades in software development, I now focus on leveraging the latest advancements in AI to create impactful and innovative solutions.

My approach combines technological expertise with strategic business acumen, aiming to transform how organizations leverage AI for competitive advantage.

My Skills & Expertise in Machine Learning and Generative AI::

  • App development & Frameworks: Python, LangChain, Streamlit, CherryPy
  • Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG): LangChain, Pinecone vector DB, LlamaParse, Unstructured.io
  • Agentic RAG and Workflows: LangGraph
  • Models: OpenAI, Huggingface Hub, Groq.com, Amazon Bedrock
  • Model Fine-Tuning: PyTorch, Hugging Face, TorchTune
  • Other: Prompt engineering, Chatbot development and Synthetic datasets
  • Cloud Services: AWS GPU model deployment, Amazon Bedrock, Amazon Cognito
  • CI/CD: Docker, GitHub, GitHub Actions, Amazon Elastic Container Service

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